COM Shade Fabrication Instructions
1. Fabricate the shade with standard top and bottom rails.
2. No cords or cord locks.
3. End route hole locations:
a. End rout holes should be 10” in from ends on shades 48” or wider.
b. End rout holes should be 6” in from ends on shades 28” to 47” wide.
c. Call SM Automatic for additional instructions on shades 20” to 27” wide.
d. The minimum size width is 20”.
4. Intermediate rout hole spacing:
a. The minimum spacing requirement is 16”.
b. Shades 48” and wider require standard spacing.
c. Shades between 36” to 47” require a center rout hole.
d. Shades under 36” only require end rout holes.
5. Provide mounting brackets. (Used to mount the shade to our head rail.)
6. Fabricate shades to finished length. Do not make deductions to length.